E.H. Price est en mesure de vous fournir des volets coupe-feu dynamiques ou statiques, des volets combinés coupe-feu et fumée, des volets coupe-fumée, des clapets de plafond, des volets de contrôle, de balancement et anti-refoulement pour toutes vos applications. Notre production a été orientée vers la livraison rapide et nos entrepôts à travers le Canada seront répondre à vos besoins les plus urgents.
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Catalogue en ligne Damper
- CCD-GV5-3V 5″ Galvanized Steel Frame, 3V Blade
- CCD-GV5-3V-LL 5″ Galvanized Steel Frame, Low Leakage
- CCD-GV5-3V-LLHD 5″ Galvanized Steel Frame, Low Leakage, Heavy Duty
- CCD-GV5-IB 5″ Galvanized Steel Frame, Aluminum Insulated Blade
- CCD-RD Steel Construction, True Round
- CCD-RD-LL Steel Construction, True Round, Low Leakage
- CCD-GV5-AF 5″ Galvanized Steel Frame Construction Formed Airfoil Blade
- CCD-AE4-4X Aluminum Construction 4″ Frame, 4″ Airfoil Blade
- CCD-AE4-4X Aluminum Construction 5″ Frame, 4″ Airfoil Blade
- CCD-AE5-6X Aluminum Construction 5″ Frame, 6″ Airfoil Blade
- CCD-AE5I-IB Aluminum Construction 5″ Frame, 6″ Airfoil Blade Insulated Blade & Frame
- CCD-GV5-3V-MBD Manual Balancing Damper
- CCD-RD-MBD Round Manual Balancing Damper
- Control Damper Installation and Accessories
- FD-A A Style (blades in airstream)
- FD-A-SL A Style (blades in airstream) Slim Line Frame
- FD-A-S (sleeve) A Style (blades in airstream) c/w sleeve
- FD-VAG Vertical Grille Application
- FD-HAG Horizontal Grille Application
- FD-OW Outside Wall / Partition Application
- FD-B B Style (blades out of airstream)
- FD-B-SL B Style (blades out of airstream) Slim Line Frame
- FD-B-S (sleeve) B Style (blades out of airstream) c/w sleeve
- FD-C C Style (round transition)
- FD-C-S (sleeve) C Style (round transition) c/w sleeve
- FD-C-MH C Style (round transition) Medium to High Pressure
- FD-C-HP C Style (round transition) High Pressure
- FD-GC Garbage Chute Application
- FD-RD True Round Damper
- FD-MB-3V Multi Blade, 3V Blade
- FD-MB-AF Multi Blade, Airfoil Blade
- FD-MS Fire Damper c/w Micro Switch
- VCS4 Static Fire & Balancing Damper w/ screwdriver operator
- Fire Damper Static Installation and Accessories
- FDD-A A Style (blades in airstream)
- FDD-A-SL A Style (blades in airstream) Slim Line Frame
- FDS-A-S (sleeve) A Style (blades in airstream) c/w sleeve
- FDD-VAG Vertical Grille Application
- FDD-HAG Horizontal Grille Application
- FDD-OW Outside Wall / Partition Application
- FDD-B B Style (blades out of airstream)
- FDD-B-SL B Style (blades out of airstream) Slim Line Frame
- FDD-B-S (sleeve) B Style (blades out of airstream) c/w sleeve
- FDD-C C Style (round transition)
- FDD-C-S (sleeve) C Style (round transition) c/w sleeve
- FDD-RD True Round Damper
- FDD-MB-3V Multi Blade, 3V Blade
- FDD-MB-AF Multi Blade, Airfoil Blade
- Fire Damper Installation Instructions (Static and Dynamic)
- CD-RD Butterfly Style, Round
- CD-RD-A Butterfly Style, Round, Adjustable
- CD-S/R-O Butterfly Style, Square or Rectangular “Over diffuser style”
- CD-S/R-OA Butterfly Style, Square or Rectangular “Over diffuser style”, Adjustable
- CD-S/R-I Butterfly Style, Square or Rectangular “Inside diffuser style”
- CD-S/R-IA Butterfly Style, Square or Rectangular “Inside diffuser style”, Adjustable
- CFS Curtain Style, Square and Rectangular
- CFSB Curtain Style, Square and Rectangular, Oversized “B” style channel transition
- CFSX Curtain Style, Square and Rectangular, c/w thermal blanket skirt
- CFSR-1 Curtain Style, Square or Rectangular, c/w 1 round transition
- CFSR-2 Curtain Style, Square or Rectangular, c/w 2 round transitions
- CFS-2F Curtain Style, Square to Round
- CK-2000-1 1/8″ (3mm) thermal blanket
- CK-2000-1-B 11/4″ (32mm) thermal blanket
- Ceiling Damper Installation and Accessories
- FSD-3V-S-211 3V Blade, 1.5hr Rating, Class I
- FSD-3V-S-231 3V Blade, 3hr Rating, Class I
- FSD-3V-S-212 3V Blade, 1.5hr Rating, Class II
- FSD-3V-S-232 3V Blade, 3hr Rating, Class II
- FSD-3V-FA-211 3V Blade, Front Access Partition, 1.5hr Rating, Class I
- FSD-3V-FA-212 3V Blade, Front Access Partition, 1.5hr Rating, Class II
- FSD-3V-OW-211 3V Blade, Out of wall partition, 1.5hr Rating, Class I
- FSD-3V-OW-212 3V Blade, Out of wall partition, 1.5hr Rating, Class II
- FSD-RD-211 True Round, 1.5hr Rating, Class I
- FSD-RD-212 True Round, 1.5hr Rating, Class II
- FSD-AF-S-211 3V Blade, 1.5hr Rating, Class I
- FSD-AF-S-231 3V Blade, 3hr Rating, Class I
- FSD-AF-S-212 Airfoil Blade, 1.5hr Rating, Class II
- FSD-AF-S-232 Airfoil Blade, 3hr Rating, Class II
- FSD-AF-OW-211 Airfoil Blade, Out of wall partition, 1.5hr Rating, Class I
- FSD-AF-OW-212 Airfoil Blade, Out of wall partition, 1.5hr Rating, Class II
- FSD-AF-FA-211 Airfoil Blade, Front Access Partition, 1.5hr Rating, Class I
- FSD-AF-FA-212 Airfoil Blade, Front Access Partition, 1.5hr Rating, Class II
- Fire Smoke Damper Installation and Accessories
- Optional Smoke Detector